Debunking Common Myths Surrounding a Vegan Diet

Whether you are already a vegan or just about to start your plant-based journey, it is essential to be aware of the popular myths about vegan diets. As vegans, you must ensure that your meal provides all the nutritional needs for healthy living.
Here we walk through the never-ending differences between vegans and meat eaters, which have raised some commonly-held yet false misconceptions about vegan diets.
A vegan diet lacks protein

Many believe that meat is the best or only source of protein. However, it is a myth. Protein is made of components called amino acids. We can get all the protein we need from a rich and balanced vegan diet through all phases of life, including infancy, childhood and pregnancy. Some of the best vegan protein sources are soy, lentils, pulses, oats, nuts, and high-protein vegetables.
A vegan diet cause iron deficiency
There is an abundance of natural vegan sources of iron. We can get the required amount of iron from a well-balanced vegan diet. Even though a carnivore diet boasts of being a good source of iron, it does not protect against anaemia (anemia) but also causes various other health issues. A large-scale study found that omnivores, vegans and vegetarians indicated that meat avoidance isn't linked to a lower intake of iron. But vegans had the highest iron intake, followed by vegetarians, fish-eaters and last the meat-eaters, in their daily diet.
A vegan diet lacks Vitamin B12, and animal food is the only source of Vitamin B12:
It is falsely believed that Vitamin B12 is only from animal products or sources. Like humans, even animals cannot produce vitamin B12 and obtain it from bacteria in the plants they eat. So, vitamin B12 is found in bacteria in the soil. Furthermore, the B12 used in fortified foods and supplements is more accessible to absorb than the B12 from animal protein. We can get our daily B12 dose from readily available vegan foods.
A vegan diet lacks calcium - The dairy myth:
Many people worry that vegans can't get enough calcium and need cow's milk to get it. But it is a widespread misconception that calcium can only be obtained from milk, cheese, or other animal products. A high intake of dairy products as a source of calcium can cause gut problems, cancer and iron deficiency, whereas a plant-based diet has many health benefits. Almonds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, leafy vegetables (kale, broccoli, watercress, spring greens) and Fortified plant milk are naturally rich in calcium.
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