Sapodilla - 10 Health Benefits, Nutrition and Recipes

Sapodilla - 10 Health Benefits, Nutrition and Recipes

Sapodilla is a delicious tropical fruit with a sweet aroma, succulent brown skin, and a soft melting sandy (grainy) texture with a taste like brown sugar or caramel. It is a universally eaten irresistible fruit comprised of soft, easily digestible flesh made up of natural sugars similar to mango, banana and jackfruit. It has a unique earthy taste, and one could say that it resembles the taste of a ripe Beurre bosc pear with no juice.

This evergreen tree habitually grows to a height of more than 30m and prefers warm and moist weather. It is a slow-growing tree that produces fruits between the third and fourth years after plantation. The tree can flourish only in warm and tropical climates.

Origin and Distribution

It belongs to the Sapotaceae family and is botanically known as Manilkara zapota. Sapodilla, also known as sapota, is native to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean islands. Though sapodillas have been used since ancient times in South-East Asia, the fruit has not come to their soils until the 18th century. It made its way to Sri Lanka in 1802, then to India. Despite sapodilla's late arrival in these counties, the fruit has flourished. Today, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines, Mexico, Central and South America and Palestine grow sapodilla commercially. Sapodilla also has recognition in the tropical parts of Australia and Florida in the US, but sapota is relatively unexplored throughout temperate Europe.

When sapodilla is eatable - check the ripeness.

Sapodillas must be ripened and not ripen until they are picked or fall off the tree. Raw sapodilla fruit contains a high amount of latex and tannins, which taste highly bitter and has smooth greenish skin under the brown surface.

How to eat

Sapodilla is eaten fresh when ripe, soft and juicy by cutting it in half, scooping out the flesh and removing the seeds. Squeezing lemon or lime can enhance its flavour.

Ripe sapodilla is an excellent add-on to fruit salads. It can be made as sorbet, Ice pops (popsicles), or Vegan (n)ice cream. The sapodilla's pulpy nature makes it f a great dessert like sapodilla rice custard, rice pudding or kheer, Indian halwa or barfis. It is also ideal for making jam, juice and smoothies. In the Philippines, sapodilla is fermented into vinegar.

The sapodilla tree got tapped for latex (sap or gum) and was used as a source of 'chicle', the initial ingredient used to make chewing gum. (The latex is the milky fluid found when tapping the tree).

Sapodilla Nutritive Value of 1 sapodilla


Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid - 25mg

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.034mg

Niacin (vitamin B3) - 0.34mg                                              

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - 0.428mg

Vitamin B-6 - 0.063mg

Folate (vitamin B9)- 23.8µg

Vitamin A, RAE - 5.1µg

*Source As Per The USDA


Potassium 328mg

Calcium 35.7mg

Iron 1.4mg

Sodium 20.4mg

Magnesium 20.4mg

Phosphorus 20.4 mg

Zinc 0.17mg

Copper 0.146mg

Selenium 1.02µg

Water 130g


Energy 590kJ

Protein 0.748g

Total lipid (fat) 1.87g

Carbohydrate 34g

Dietary Fiber 9.01g


Health Benefits of Sapodilla

Sapodilla is laden with natural sugar, vitamins, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents and an abundant dietary fibre source, which has many benefits. It is also used in traditional Ayurveda and other traditional medicine systems to heal health conditions like arthritis, ulcers and fever. Sapota has been used for centuries in Southeastern Asia as a home remedy to enhance skin complexion and radiance. In contrast, sapodilla seeds are a natural remedy for treating dandruff and other scalp issues.

Promotes Digestion

The existence of natural plant compound tannins in sapodilla helps to balance acid secretion in the digestive tract. While the high volume of dietary fibre increases the weight and size of the stool, normalises bowel movement, treats constipation, and heals all other digestive problems. Besides, sapodilla's anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial elements can soothe the irritated intestinal tract and treat gastritis. The antioxidant properties of sapodilla combat bacterial infections, while the anti-inflammatory effect reduces inflammation in the gut.

Boost energy and fight stress

Boost energy and fight stress

Sapodilla is made up of simple, digestible sugars like fructose and sucrose can be introduced as a calorie-dense fruit. As it is a natural source of sugar, sapodilla can instantly replenish energy levels. It can be a great snack during intense sports activities or exercise. Sapodilla can also be the right choice of fruit for children and pregnant women to meet their increasing energy demand and boost health. Moreover, being a natural sedative, it soothes the nervous system and uplifts mood. Due to its vitamins A, C, folate, B6 and simple carbs, sapota is an excellent fruit for pregnant and lactating women that refills energy levels. Rich in electrolytes like potassium aid in managing morning sickness and dizziness.

Strengthens Immune System

Sapodilla is gifted with many natural vitamins and antioxidant compounds and has a tremendous role in producing a robust immune system, battling harmful toxins and reducing the risk of diseases. Vitamin C uplifts the weakened immune system and enhances well-being. Moreover, adding sapodilla as a part of a healthy diet safeguards the system from harmful microbes and treats colds and coughs.

Treats Anaemia

Anaemia is a shared health condition in women of reproductive age caused due to iron deficiency. Sapodilla is loaded with iron and copper that help to improve iron levels and treats anaemia.

Also, read Sources of Vegan Iron.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Sapodilla is one of the favoured fruits for controlling high blood pressure. The high potassium level in sapodilla is an essential mineral aid in lowering sodium levels, relaxing muscles, improving blood circulation and maintaining blood pressure.

Improves Vision

Sapodilla contributes a vast amount of Vitamin A and retains a significant role in maintaining good vision by boosting the health of the cornea, the outer covering of the eye. It is also a segment of rhodopsin, a protein in the eyes that allows you to see in dim light and stimulates eyesight.

For Stronger Bones

Sapodilla can be proven to be magical for anyone dealing with joint problems. The enormous quantity of minerals and iron in sapodilla help in strengthening bones, controlling joint pain, and preventing the risk of osteoporosis. Copper deficiency can increase the risk of osteoporosis, and sapota rich in copper is essential for maintaining healthy bones, combinative tissue and muscles.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Sapodilla is one of the fruits for managing high blood pressure. Potassium in sapodilla is a crucial mineral that supports lowering sodium levels, relaxing muscles, enhancing blood circulation and maintaining blood pressure levels.

For Cancer Prevention

Sapodilla is enriched with antioxidants and is one of the best fruits, which can lower the risk of the formation of tumour cells and various forms of cancer. Being rich in vitamins A and B aids in maintaining the mucus lining healthy and reduces the risk of lung and oral cancers. Being super-rich in dietary fibre keeps the gut healthy and protects the body from bowel cancer/colorectal cancer.

For Healthy Skin and Hair

Regular consumption of sapodilla helps to eliminate toxins from the body, making it flawless for skin and hair. The richness of essential vitamins rejuvenates new skin cells and moisturises the skin. The rich content of iron, potassium, sodium, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus in sapodilla is a satisfying hair food that helps promote collagen production. Sapodilla seed oil is effective on the itchy scalp and is a good moisturiser for hair.

Are there any Side-Effects of sapodilla

Sapodillas are safe to consume unless you are one of the rare people allergic to the fruit. Raw sapodilla contains tannin, an astringent that may cause an itchy sensation in the mouth if consumed. Consuming unripe sapota may also lead to aggravation and inflammation of the throat, which may also adversely affect children. You must ensure not to eat or ingest the seeds as swallowing them may cause abdominal pain and vomiting.

The sapodilla's most common local names are among various dialects worldwide.

Sapodilla has various names used around the world. It is called sapota, Pouteria sapota (Red mamey) fruit, Chiku bully tree, marmalade palm and dilly fruit. Some call it the tree potato, naseberry, or sapodilla plum.

In the Caribbean, like the Bahamas and West Indies - Dilly fruit
Jamaica; British West Indies - naseberry/ naseberry.
Wild dilly - Manilkara jaimiqui
India - chiku/chikoo चीकू
Sri Lanka - Sapathilla/sapadilla (සැපතිල්ලා/සැපදිල්ලා)
Bengal and Bihar in India - Baramasi chiku
Thailand - Krasuey
Philippines - Sawo Manila, chico
Malay Peninsula - buah chiku
Mexico - chicle chicozapote
Costa Rica - korob
Virgin Islands - mespil
Mexico - zapotillo
Cuba - zapote
Venezuela - zapota
Belize - zapote morado
French West Indies - sapotille


Vegan Sapodilla Smoothie


1 cup chopped sapodilla chilled
1 tbsp chopped cashew nut (soaked overnight)
One glass of cold almond milk
1 tbsp coconut sugar (optional)


Add almond milk, sapodilla, soaked cashew nuts and coconut sugar in a blender and blend until smooth.
Pour the smoothie into glasses, and serve straight away. You could refrigerate the smoothie for about 2 hours and consume it. The fresh smoothies and juices should always be drunk at least 2 hours after preparing.



Sapodilla is an enormously dominating fruit relished for its sweet flavour, hearty medicinal properties and benefits. Like any other fruit or vegetable, ripe sapodilla also benefits human health when consumed regularly as part of your balanced plant-based diet. They can not only be enjoyed in sweet recipes but also savoury recipes. Add this fantastic tropical fruit to your diet, enjoy and reap the benefits.

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